What Is The FERS MRA?

What is the MRA? The minimum retirement age (MRA) is the earliest age at which most Federal employees may retire.

Why Is It Important?

Your MRA will determine when you’re eligible for different types of FERS retirement options. For example, your MRA will determine whether you are eligible for the MRA+ 10 retirement option. You can read more about the MRA+ 10 retirement option here.

Finding Your MRA

MRAs range between ages 55 and 57 and are based on your birth year.
You can find your MRA by checking the table below:

After You Find Your MRA

Once you know your MRA, your next step should be to understand the FERS retirement rules. For instance, reaching your MRA alone is not enough to be eligible for retirement, as FERS retirement eligibility is based on a combination of age and years of service requirements.

Because some retirement options involve your MRA, you must know your MRA. Yet, other retirement rules are centered around specific ages like ages 60 and 62. If you need help integrating your Federal employee benefits into your financial plan, consult with a qualified financial planner.

Author: Jose Armenta, MsBA, CFP®, ChFC®, EA

Hi, I’m Jose Armenta, a Certified Financial Planner practitioner. For over 14 years, I have worked with or among federal employees, from serving in the Marine Corps to my stint as a police dispatcher and now as a financial planner specializing in helping FERS federal employees. In that time, I have spoken to hundreds of federal employees about their benefits and retirement. Helping federal employees maximize their benefits, reduce taxes, and live confidently is a passion of mine. When I am not perfecting financial plans, you’ll find me at the shooting range, playing the drums, or breaching blanket forts with my three little ones.